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Life is too short, not to sign on a newspaper "Secrets of immortality"

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The secrets of deathless/ Secrets of immortality sensations, elixirs and recipes of youth and longevity, resorts

The elixir of immortality is accessible to you. How to order and get on the internet the chart of vehicle for the receipt of living and dead water in home terms.

In a newspaper "Secrets of immortality" №1-2007 the accessible to each chart of vehicle was published
on the receipt of living waters. For two years many our readers obtained surprisings results, adopting the activated water in home terms. The researcher of Wolves asserts that using elektrolizovanuyu water, saturated by the protons of hydrogen, it is possible to prolong active life over 140-280 years. Mother of
gerontologist В. Хавинсона by drops of living water delivered from a cataract and began to see clearly, and an immovable father walked up feet. Such examples it is possible to bring hundreds over. Taking into account the numerous wishes of readers, ready to deport by the internet page of the indicated number of newspaper with the method of receipt of elixir of longevity and eternal youth.  E-mail: bessmertie2008@mail.ru

Dear ladies and gentlemen, resident outside Russia!
We with pleasure  will prepare an electronic version
vehicle, instruction and description of methods of treatment living and dead water in home terms.  For services point 15 dollars of the USA (10
 euro) at the indicated currency account  and we right after will deport confirmations of payment chart with description on your electronic address. Guarantee execution of order! (If in a jar large tariffs -  it is possible to send a note in an envelope by mail by the certified mail )
Editor of the Russian newspaper of "Secrets of immortality" Nick Rerikh

INTERMEDIARY – BIC    56А Correspondent account in USD:

№00739565 with AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, LTD. NEW YORK, NY 10285-2200 UNITED STATES CHIPS Routing No: 0159 SWIFT AEIBUS33 FED WIRE NO: 124071889 Correspondent account in USD: №2000193460018 Wachovia Bank, N.A. 11 Penn Plaza 4th Floor New York, NY 10001, USA SWIFT: PNBPUS3NNYC  57  SWIFT RZBMRUMM Raiffeisenbank ZAO BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER  59  РЕРИХ НИКОЛАЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ/ RERIKH NIKOLAJ VLADIMIROVICH  № 42301840600340000369   Home address:  Russia 353445 city Anapa the Krasnodarskogo edge street Rodnikovaia 2/4 apartment  10

 INTERMEDIARY – BIC    56А Correspondent account in an euro: Intermediary Inst. SWIFT  CITIUS33  CITIBANK N.A., UNITED STATES NEW YORK, NY 10043 111 WALL STREET 57А: Ace. With Inst. 10961534    swift         OWHBDEFF        VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AGFRANKFURT AM MAIN DE


Home address:  Russia 353445 city Anapa the Krasnodarskogo edge street Rodnikovaia 2/4 apartment  10 72: Sender to Receiver Inf.                                                 


With kind regards Nick Rerikh    

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

I give it a shot to save humanity healthy and apt at prosperity. For this purpose I began to publish a newspaper "Secrets of immortality", which intend in future to diffuse on all planet. Unfortunately authorities do not care of healthy way of life of citizens and not engaged in the prophylaxis of illnesses. I publish materials from around the world about the methods of rejuvenation and  extension of life of people. Therefore I will be glad your feasible help in an issue and distribution of newspaper about longevity. I very ask you to bring in a feasible contribution to propaganda of extension of life of people and  searches of immortality.

INTERMEDIARY – BIC    56А Correspondent account in USD:

№00739565 with AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, LTD. NEW YORK, NY 10285-2200 UNITED STATES CHIPS Routing No: 0159 SWIFT AEIBUS33 FED WIRE NO: 124071889 Correspondent account in USD: №2000193460018 Wachovia Bank, N.A. 11 Penn Plaza 4th Floor New York, NY 10001, USA SWIFT: PNBPUS3NNYC

57  SWIFT RZBMRUMM Raiffeisenbank ZAO


Home address:  Russia 353445 city Anapa the Krasnodarskogo edge street Rodnikovaia 2/4 apartment  10
A passport of citizen of Russia Rerikh is Nikolaj Vladimirovich, date of birth of July, 26 1954 year, series 03 99 number 157315, UVD Anapskogo is given out district of the Krasnodarskogo edge of September, 14, 1999

With kind regards Nick Rerikh                Email: bessmertie2008@mail.ru


on March, 5, 2009 the Britannic researcher in area of longevity Aubrey ri Warm visited Moscow and came forward before the medical association of Russia. He declared that a man can live more than thousand years. Our physicians began to laugh in reply: «And why?». A guest  is the let pass on a lunge, and continued, that already now there are methods of extension of life on 30-40 years. A gene is opened slitting cholesterol. By the special injections it is possible to rear a threadbare organ straight in a body. He advised the Russian audience not to drink, not smoke and save the body. According to his opinion, history of medicine - there is history of fight against illnesses. Unfortunately, the Russian physicians and authorities are adjusted differently and lifted on a laughter Aubrey ri Warming.

  The analysis of information of the internet shows clear, that rulings forces on Earth are not interested in longevity and the more so in immortality of man. Food industry works as a machine of death, heaping up a market products, abbreviating life-span and causing chronic diseases. Researches of scientists proved that yeast bread is caused by myopia of population. And the producers of glasses are here connected, contact lenses and psevdo preparations allegedly evocative sight. If little buyers of this group of commodities, to the market throw out soul-milk products, which not only reduce sight but also instrumental in the diseases of zheludochno-kishechnogo highway. Sweet products and gazirovannye drinks are caused by saccharine diabetes and cancer, which are incurable not looking on enormous facilities selected governments on a fight against them. Not a single doctor of our planet yet brought through not a single tooth. In place of treatment or growing of new teeth they are killed, pull out and proteziruyut. Stomatology industriya produces mass of prosthetic appliances, and television earns on a toothless audience, advertising glue for artificial jaws.

  There is the mass televisional zombiing of population, that it is sick death. So advertising suggesting, that half of men after 40 years suffer impotence simply kills human family, and its creators earn milliards on a sale psevdo medications ot fruitlessness. Zombiing  and deception of citizens allow to wash greater part of budget on psevdo researches and carefree life of officials. In a press information leaks about migration of the souls of the first persons of the state in the cloned bodies or bodies of the illegally condemned young people. Kremlin medicine and kitchen as heaven and earth differ ot the food basket of ordinary citizens. Not zazombirovannaya and free intelligentsia presents that after all of it is covered. But who stands after reduction of humanity in six times to the gold milliard, coming to unriddle a new generation the children of indigo.


There is a hypothesis, that a senescence is related to stopping of fission, growth of organism and accumulation in the body of wastes of vital functions. And it was assumed to destroy accumulating in an intestine poisons by regular enemas. The results of verification of this theory the adherent of which was a nobel laureate Il'ya Mechnikov appeared contradictory, and a scientist died in dawn of forces. Other nobel laureate Laynus Poling, living so long to same preklonnykh years, believed in wonder-workingness of ascorbic acid, vitamin of S, the dose of which in a day, according to his opinion, must make 10 grammes. Theories are popular were about salutary influence of weak radiation background, and also the variable magnetic field which agitated rats, but duration of their life here was not measured.

But the tested elixir of youth is a nizkokaloriynoe feed the effect of which will be realized through the gene of Sirt1. Complementing a diet is recommended regular employments by sport, which align power balance. Unique limitation - it is necessary to reduce loading with age. In addition, quiet sleep helps to prolong youth. Jacob Tsiperovich, which after awakening from lethargic sleep left off staret' and in 52 years looks on 20, lives in Germanium. In 1958 somnolent on 3 months a decrepit 15-years-old lap-dog was put to sleep. After awakening tone of musculature rose for her, began raise wool, sexual instinct was restored. A dog lived 6 years and was killed the monkey of chimpanzee.

 In soviet times a professor promised to win over old age Bogomolets which enormous funds were provided. A professor died, not living so long to 70 years. Stalin was indignant: "Scoundrel, deceived!" Ancient Greek Galen (II age of n. e.), Chinese To Khuan (IV age of n. e.), east philosopher and doctor Avitsenna (XI age), England Roger Bekon (XIII age), which is considered one of founders of modern science, worked on this field. Bekon trusted that the recipe of immortality had been known in antiquity, when prophets at the head with a record-holder Mafusailom lived to on a few the honeycombs of years. But then a recipe was lost debt of scientists in tom, to recover him.

Successes of transplantologii are so great, that not after mountains time of transplantation of head or even one brain. Thus a head or brain of senior is set to the healthy body of young individual, lost, for example, in a motor-car failure. Through about 60 an operation can be repeated - here to you already there are 200 years of life of millionaire. Millionaire because such operation will be, sure, very much by a road.   There is a very dangerous, even frightful problem. Will not a millionaire want to "order" itself a new young body? Unfortunately, many will want...    Newspaper «Secrets of immortality» № 10-2007


For the extension of life more than 100 years follows  one  month in a year daily on an empty stomach to eat the fourth of lemon with a hide and wash down a 1 item the spoon of olive oil. (If for you a stomach is healthy). In the second month daily at mornings to eat the piece of root of solodki measuring with fasolinu, 1ч. spoon of powder of marine cabbage, 5 soft resin ate or pine-trees  and 1 item spoon of juice of aloe. The use of the indicated components is strengthened by an organism, improves memory and prolongs youth. In a feed it is necessary to give a preference vegetables, fruit and sucklings products. There must be honey in a ration. For the improvement of mental abilities it is recommended to add to food nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, cardamon, carnation and saffron.

Ot ancestors the folk recipe of rejuvenation of all body reached to our time. The roots of valerian going for this purpose, elecampane, aira, grass of pustyrnika, crushed, st-john's-wort, horse-tail the field, sushenitsy, train, celandine, goose-grass, immortelle and root of burdock. To the indicated composition the groats of buckwheat, oat, rice, millet and rzhi are added. All of the tools in the dried kind are milled in kofemolke individually. The taken equal on weight parts are mixed. Mixture zasypaetsya on 1/3 in glass jars and inundated the unrefined sunflower-seed oil. Insisted in a dark place at a room temperature two months. Content of bottles is shaken up periodically. In two months an extract meets in one pan and to 60 degrees are heated. Again to bottle to off and insist two weeks. To rub the prepared rejuvenating elixir in the skin of all body for the night in a day during 10 days. In 20 days procedures repeat oneself. In the morning it is recommended to wash a skin warm water. A course is conducted not rarer than once in a year. 

Newspaper «Secrets of immortality» № 11-2007


Technology of rejuvenation of ELOS  -особое, unique combination of light energy and current of radiorange. She is  safe and here  effective technology, presented today at the market of services of beauty. In January, 2007 in Paris the conference of leading plastic surgeons of the world took place from the clinics of beauty of Hollywood, Toronto, Israel, France and etc A rejuvenation in professional language of cosmetologists is named фототермолиз is stimulation of kollageno- and elastinnoobrazovaniya in a deep (sosochkovom) layer to the skin. With age of vyrabotka of elastina and kollagena halted, and a skin loses many the properties, including, and aesthetic. Technology of ELOS stimulates the synthesis of new kollagena and elastina a skin, and she rejuvenates itself from within!

Vehicles, workings on technology of фотоомоложения, also aim to affect sosochkovyy layer of skin. But all power of фотоэнергии passes through the overhead (horny) layer of skin, baking him and very in earnest damaging, and in the depths of skin a minimum of energy gets for stimulation of formation of kollagena and elastina. Due to technology of ELOS all energy fully gets in a sosochkovyy layer, passing superficial. On face there are no burns, no pain in the process of procedure. And the surprising process of rejuvenation goes at back of skin - renewal of youth, beauty and confidence in itself.

Newspaper «Secrets of immortality» № 12-2007


For today there is mass of methods, which, in opinion of their supporters, are able to carry making healthy and prolong life. It ancient yoga, different gymnastics, affecting certain points of acupuncture, etc. Also and in the latest style "eye of revival", life on a sun and drink of the "special" water ot Volkova, zakislenie of organism on Druzyaku and etc For making healthy recommend zakalivanie, and pair, and feed on the group of blood, and even drink of urine. Readers ask often, that  specialists think about one or another methods of making healthy of organism.

Indeed, similar methods of making healthy of hundred, that we can get off from a mind before vniknem in everything from them. Not speaking about tom, that to use every method. And main, how to check - do they operate? Whether will not turn out so, that we will take advantage of one of such facilities of making healthy, will spend time and money, and it will not bring us a benefit or will harm even!

So, for example, prominent specialist-cardiologist Amosov tried to obtain making healthy by the high physical loadings, but in it nothing is a stay. "Before I hurried on a hour, does not can now, shakes me. I am not content with this here - a senescence, as process, did not stop, to overcome me him not succeeded" - an academician said. He died recently, and if anymore saved itself, fully possibly would be yet living.

п. Ivanov, author of the so-called "Baby", earned a gangrene an excessive infatuation for tempering.

By a word, each of us must be ready to tomu, that added fascination and beginning to use some method of making healthy, he will lose time at the best, and in worst - will harm itself!

                           * * *

Is position hopeless really?! What to use us for making healthy and extension of life?! Fortunately, all not so difficultly and even vice versa!

As is generally known, truth practice serves as a criterion. Otherwise speaking, ability of one or another mean to prolong life it is necessary to check in an experiment. In an ideal, certainly, on a man, but it is not simple: it is almost impossible to survive the cleanness of experiment. In fact for exactness, looking after the large group of people will be required, but all conduct the different way of life. And main, long to wait results - a man lives relatively long. Therefore korotkozhivuschie animals, possessing the similar with a man exchange of matters, undertake for experiments. It is ordinary mise or rats which live about 2-3 years.

2 groups of animals are used in laboratory terms. First - control, which conducts ordinary existence. With the second group conduct an experiment: give a mean, which, as suppose, prolongs life. Results compare then. If an experimental group lived even on 15-20%% longer by control, this mean makes sense to use for an extension life and man already.

But will "work" on a man to mean which "worked" on mise? In swingeing majority of cases, - Yes!

So, facilities of extension of life test and on fruit beauty-spot which in the plan of evolution on 600 million years otstoyat ot mise. And that interestingly: if a certain mean is prolonged by life, for example, of beauty-spot, it prolongs life and mise. And, vice versa. The expressed of effect changes sometimes, but usually she of not principle. A mouse and man is divided only by 60 million years - it in 10 times less. Recently scientists reported from the USA, that the genome of man differed ot a mouse only on 1%. That, facilities which showed ability ozdoravlivat' the organism of mise, with ever-higher probability will "work" and on a man. And actually and weigh experience of world pharmacology confirms it. Exceptions are, but they are very rare.

                             * * *

So what is shown by experiments and what extension of life we can expect on?!

Some facilities, somehow diet, enterosorbtsiya, preparations of deprenil, atsefen and other prolong life of animals to the specific limit. For a man the specific limit of life is usually determined in 120 years. It means that the use of the most effective facilities for the extension of life from young and middle ages allows us to count on the extension of life to 120 years and more. In fact we can use a few most effective facilities at once.

                          * * *

So, if we want to use such facilities which indeed can ozdorovit' an organism and prolong life, must be oriented on those facilities, which, in due form, are tested in an experiment. Added somebody's opinion, we probably will not get an effect or even will harm itself.

Unfortunately, we not immediately understand it and  on youth, lose a few years. For example, will read opinion of one scientist, which considered that using the vitamin of E in a large dose it is possible to prolong life on 20 years, somewhere. you will begin to buy him and "am". And later  will find information on numerous experiments in obedience to which the vitamin of E can prolong life on 2-3 years, but nenamnogo anymore.

Understanding comes in course of time, that using is necessary the facilities only tested in an experiment and, naturally, most effective from them. Then you will make rating of geroprotektorov - facilities of making healthy and extension of life. Facilities which prolong life ot 20 to 100% join in him, safe, comfortable in the use and accessible at price. Only their use can expressed prolong life. All other empty waste of time and money.

                              * * *

Possibly some recommendations  will seem to you a little strange. "All of how not too it?" - you will ask. However counted all materials  are on achieving a maximally possible result. If nature not nearly provided with you a maximalism, you scarcely will succeed in achieving longevity and making healthy. And if you are adjusted in earnest, most recommendations which can someone show oneself excessive, very poraduyut you. We underline that  the only scientifically-grounded is offered and that is why indeed effective recommendations! (No diagnostics of karma, carrying of magic amulets, etc.)

You will pay attention! To multiply life-span, it does not mean to lengthen old age! If you will begin to be engaged in itself till senile processes will give about itself to know, you as though wrick in time weigh remaining life cycle! Little togo, at serious attitude toward business, the rejuvenation of organism is possible. Therefore "embarking on a mind" is never late. Ideal variant, when parents from small years begin the children to inoculate the healthy way of life.

If to you 20-30 years and more, it is time to set to business seriously. The point is that, approximately, to 20 years the processes of growth and creation prevail in an organism. From 20 to 30 years there is an equilibrium. And from 30-40 years begin to score off destructive processes. It is very important to begin to take measures till destructive processes will give to know about itself. Obviously, than before you will begin the prophylaxis of senescence, the more so expressed will be an effect.

In addition, that an effect of making healthy was maximally expressed complex approach is needed. Use constantly all facilities known you cooperant multiplying life-span. At the same time not fall in an extreme. If you in a holiday will take the liberty to eat the piece of fat cake, slice of fat or to smoke out a cigarette, a tragedy will not happen.

If you have possibility to visit a good clinic which is specialized on doing services for the extensions of life, certainly apply there. In the special establishment much more possibilities are for the receipt of the desired effect!

So, to the present tense all are known or, at least, most reasons of anchorwomen our organism to destruction and death. In a theory scientists already know today, that must be done, to live without restriction long. And pretty soon, on historical measurements, a theory will give the practical garden-stuffs!

by the abocheny search of mystic stone or elixirs of fairy-tales, but also they trust that 100 years - far not limit for a man. But how to lengthen the life? Alike, an answer to this question is known by other living creatures on our planet, to which unlike us, people, it is succeeded to live so long some unbelievable appearance more than 200, and even more than 300 years.

All history humanity searched the secret of immortality. As early as alchemists tried to create ancient times philosophical stone, an elixir of life is magic drink, granting eternal life. And more than all these searches were urged forward by an idea, that secret of immortality opened just about, opened.

Scientists, especially modern, are not concerned the search of mystic stone or elixirs of fairy-tales, but also they trust that 100 years - far not limit for a man. But how to lengthen the life? Alike, an answer to this question is known by other living creatures on our planet, to which unlike us, people, it is succeeded to live so long to some unbelievable appearance 200, and even to 300 years.

Last year at shores of Iceland the group of scientists, engaged in the study of problem of change of climate, lifted from the bottom of the Atlantic ocean of shellfish. The laboratory analyses of ocean venusa showed that a submarine inhabitant had appeared on light neither anymore nor less - 405 years back, that on 32 years before an operating champion - also shellfish, kept in one of museums of Germany.

The name of Mines was given the Icelandic find - in honour the Chinese emperor's dynasty, governing in XVII age, when shellfish appeared on light. A researcher Alan Vanameyker from the university of Bangor in Great Britain could not trust the eyes, when the count of layers showed on the shell of shellfish, that Mines found a queen Elisabeth I, not to mention about tom, that became, maybe, by the witness of two world wars.

Not only the fact of so unique find interests scientists: age of shellfish gives a hope, that, possibly, he hides in itself solution of secret of immortality. How did it succeed him to live so long, before to die? Possibly, will he be able to be divided the secret and it is applicable to the man?

Experts suppose that an answer to all these questions is partly covered in understanding togo, why life-span is so different for living creatures on a planet. For example, some elephant tortoises live so long to 200 years. Instead of an arctic whale was caught so a long ago, the harpoon of end of before last age stuck in whose body. It means that in theory today on Earth there are animals which appeared on light in the days of Napoleon.

Other Mafusail is Pacific fish of khoplostet, above-ground to 150 years, incredibly popular among gourmets. So next time, ordering itself khoplosteta in a restaurant, thoughtful: possibly, your supper borned in one year with abolition of serf right.

Experts consider that nature not at random chooses long-livers - more frequent than all takes place so: what less living creature, the it dies before. But also it a rule is observed not implicitly.

From one side, little beasts (mise, hamsters) indeed live no more than pair of years, while age of elephants and rhinoceroses is measured ten-day periods, and even by ages. Nevertheless a man which must was live long is hardly able to overcome a 100-years-old border (as it, for example, succeeded a frenchwoman Jean Kal'man, living so long to 122 years). It is obviously lucky us more than near relation are chimpanzees which do not live so long to 70.

And again horse, in spite of the imposings sizes, do not differ longevity, and a parrot can annoy proprietors by the jabber of years so 70.

Tiny shellfishes and fishes are able to change 11th, 12th, 13th ten. So what does allow them to cheat death over and over?

In obedience to a popular for today evolutional theory middle ages of living creature were set depending on togo, how long it will live, till will die of hunger, illnesses or will be eaten predators. It explains partly, why the organisms of large animals are formed longer - they are not driven in by time. Giraffes with less probability, what hare, will become somebody's dinner. The few eats whale or large crocodiles, and they not so quickly will die of hunger. This theory explains anomalies also: little birds and bats live so long, because they are easier to rescue itself ot a predator - they have wings. Tortoises are also protected - to bite through their armour it is practically impossible. And tiny polevka will not see the third spring, because with the high stake of probability she will be eaten far before. Therefore the exchange of matters for her is promoted, she lives on maximum speed. Primary objective of polevki - to produce a lot as much as possible posterity,

before to become dinner, say, for an eagle-owl.

Possibly, will a man also be able to "retune" the exchange of matters so that to live as many, how many ocean shellfish?

Answer - yes! But, unfortunately, not in this eyelid exactly.

Some scientists consider that lengthening life is possible by means of nizkokaloriynoy diet, that existences in the conditions of permanent starvation. But most experts are inclined to suppose that the key to solution of secret Universe will find a geneticist. Some time, not today.

There are good news: it is set that with every decade life-span man on Earth is multiplied. By other words, a child, appearing in average family in the developed country, can bargain some time to blow out 185 candles on a cake.

Secret of eternal life

From a millennium in a millennium, from year to year humanity tries to expose one of the most interesting secrets in the world. Namely.

.секрет of long innings and youth.

Whoever of us does want to live long, and besides yet and happily? And the endless searches of medicine begin ot old age.

Where are these molodil'nye apples, where a magic ambrosia is hidden? Scientists consider that a secret is covered in human genes. The point is that one of major reasons of early death - illness. Very much little people die the death, mainly ot every sort of diseases. And they are covered exactly in some "waning" genes (for example, haemophilia is illness which blood does not convolve at, and any scratch can be fatal).

Other enemy of health is illnesses of the circulatory system. And they are caused, at times, by banal things, such as harmful habits and wrong feed. Some time in the future science will be able to manage and with it. And we live now, and to read this riddle us quick.

For long-livers from around the world the answers. The eldest people of Georgia dwell highly in mountains. They run natural house. Their ration is pretty various, but most important in him is low-acid yoghurt - "matsoni". He contains the special enzymes (enzymes) which help to lower the level of cholesterol in an organism. The Georgian long-livers use mainly folk medicine and, that interestingly, does not quite limit itself in smoking and use of alcohol.

In China also there are the long-livers. They also live in mountains. Their diet a little skudney, what at Georgian. They feed on different herbages, snakes and slugs. If at Georgian the special dish was yoghurt, for Chinese is a tincture, prepared from the spotted slugs, three types of venomous snakes, doggy and deer "causal places" and medical plants.

The Japanese old men live so long to one hundred twenty years. Industriousness is their motto on life. In connection with geographical features, moreprodukty and vegetables prevail in a feed. Also Japaneses prepare on pork fat. But in tom and business, that the Japanese piggy-wiggies differ, it admits, ot Ukrainian. There hold khryushek on the special vegetable diet. Therefore and fat turns out other. By the way, the Japanese long-livers eat meat only on holidays.

And in hot Turkey eat lean meat only. In place of soft tommy use stale. Also turks drink mint tea which is traditional in the Arabic countries. Yet they not nearly use sugar. Sweet dates he is replaced fully. In Abhazia in place of "white death" use honey.

But different diets and physical loadings - it yet not all. A mortgage of long innings is good spirits, all long-livers of the world consider. Actually, scientists proved the method of various experiments, that optimists lived longer than pessimists. Stresses shorten life. So not disordered on trifles, try to decide conflicts quietly. Smile, laugh, banter - by a word, glad life. A "laughter is killed by old age", - the great French writer Stendal' said once.

Thus, folded stand answer, how to fix the health and dolgo-dolgo to remain youths:

"  give up harmful habits (or even not practise upon them);

"  get the regular physical loading (on interests: sport, tourism, pedestrian walks);

"  rational feed (not necessarily flatly to renounce sweet or fat. It is simple not to overeat. That is important: to use products, rich in enzymes (soul-milk, soy-bean paste and etc));

"  anymore be on nature. you breathe crisp air. Zagorayte. The point is that the rays of a sun render bactericidal influence. Therefore to take baths of suns very usefully, blessing, a summer period is instrumental in it;

"  and main - good mood!

How do you do and give life long Newspaper «Secrets of immortality» № 4-2008


A man never bore with death, apparently that is why that the immortal soul wants an immortal body. Aspiring to immortality resulted in creation of motion of mortolistov, fighters for immortality. And indeed modern technologies allow to believe in wonders. Information about secret experiments on catching of the souls of dyings and establishment them in other bodies, driving back the soul of proprietor of organism, periodically flashes in a press and internet. Technology of the otsifrovaniya soul of man is developed for temporal or permanent storage in a computer.

Meantime there are immortal creatures in nature. To their number take flat worms. As a result of experiments on a circumterrestrial orbit for the acknowledged long-livers of snails remote organs were regenerated, and even head and brain. Became obvious, that senescence of man slow suicide, being the finishing program of development of man. Consequently, starenie-eto illness ot which it is possible to be cured, reprograming an organism on the program of immortality.

Scientifically and it is experimentally proved that the cages of barrels are immortal and must constantly propagate oneself. In clinics the cages of barrels select from own fat a patient and multiply in the special incubator. Then inject under a skin, in patients and obsolete organs and extremities. Withdrawn from the eyes of goldfishes the cages of barrels return sight oslepshim patients. With respect to the use for the rejuvenation of abortirovannykh tailings of fabrics, it is acknowledged ethics impermissible.

It is set that the cages of embryo of pig are suitable for the regeneration of sick organs of man. Therefore scientists work above the genetic change of pig, to use their organs for transplantation people. On other technology marrow of patient is placed in a nourishing environment, where the cages of barrels are reared. Then they are entered in a spine and other parts of organism. Experiments are conducted on growing of new organs in the special incubators with the use of cages of concrete organ. For example, processing the special physiological solution, it is possible to rear directly in a body next to the sick organ of bud, urinary bladder and etc

The use of genes of mexican salamander is very perspective for reprograming of organism of man on immortality. Surprising fish has a very near to the man genetic code. She is able independently to regenerate the organs, torn off tails, backbone, here quickly and cartilages and bones are high-quality restored. In fact physicians already learned to use transplants from the organs of pig with the disconnected genes of tearing away during transplantation people.


Scientists set that during smoking organism a metal enters cadmium. If simultaneously to accept squeak containing the vitamin of S, this combination is provoked by formation of cages of cancers.

The Israel scientists found the unique method of fight against depression. It is set by them, that a mud care is able to help not only at the diseases of skin and immune system but also delivers from depression. Appears, the row of bacteria, above-ground in medical dirts, is instrumental in making of serotonin an organism (hormone of happiness).

The scientists of Scotland proved that long experience of smoking reduced the level of intellect and memory considerably. It is set that nicotine narrows vessels and negatively influences to work of neurons of brain.

The scientists of institute of feed of RAMN came to conclusion, that walnuts are contained by enzymes, which destroy, destroy a cholesterol from an organism and give arteries flexibility and elasticity.

Similarly walnuts are rich in argininom (amino acid), which regulates tone of vessels and instrumental in the improvement of circulation of blood.

The American scientists invented technology, allowing to determine a cancer even on the early stages. Diagnostics occupies only 10 minutes, and a test can take man, possessing minimum cognitions in medicine.

The researchers of the National institute of gerontology of the USA by the series of experiments set dependence of life-span on a feed. Feed one time in a day with the reduced calorie content multiplied life-span mise food in once or twice.

The American scientists found out in a raisin matters, stoppings reproduction and growth of bacteria, causing a caries and diseases of gums. The matters found at the same time do not give bacteria to register to the teeth and destroy an enamel.


Mental and physical activity is instrumental in longevity. If a man develops itself in various directions, takes in a lot of new information, the brain of him works actively and not stareet. A feed must be rational. Autotrening is programed by an organism on a health and active longevity. Lying it is abed needed to pronounce positive assertions. For example, "I behave with dignity in all circumstances of life". My organism constantly rejuvenates and cured. I will live more than 200 years".

Very positively prayers operate with words: "Forgive me, My God and grant eternal life me". Such positive options before sleep are simply needed. But and a morning needs to be begun with charging, and certainly according to the good stories. Life is prolonged by the use of eggs, cod-liver oil, sunflower-seed oil, cabbage and liquid milk.


IMMORTALITY AND нанотехнологии

нанотехнология is an area of the applied science and technique, using objects in

10-9 meter, by manipuliruliruyuschaya atoms and molecules and creating microscopic devices.

It is possible by нанотехнологий:

- to construct any molecules;

- to create a наноеду ( I squeak) with surprisings properties, providing salubrity and longevity;

- to develop medications of the directed action, penetrable in the staggered fabric and tumour;

- to carry out mikrokhirurgiyu of new level, with the use of нанороботов for diagnostics and treatment of all existent illnesses;

- to rear any fabrics and organs for a concrete man;

- to revive the before frozen people and cure ot incurable illnesses, got in the time of life;

-  to prolong life for indefinite term and to do a man immortal;

- to strengthen the capabilities of man by miniature electronic devices, new methods of record and storage of information, multiplying the volumes of memory of people and computers.

On initiative of Vladimir Putin on the program of development of нанотехнологий it is decided to select 130 milliards of RUB


A man never bore with death, apparently that is why that the immortal soul wants an immortal body. Aspiring to immortality resulted in creation of motion of mortolistov, fighters for immortality. And indeed modern technologies allow to believe in wonders. Information about secret experiments on catching of the souls of dyings and establishment them in other bodies, driving back the soul of proprietor of organism, periodically flashes in a press and internet. Technology of the otsifrovaniya soul of man is developed for temporal or permanent storage in a computer.

Meantime there are immortal creatures in nature. To their number take flat worms. As a result of experiments on a circumterrestrial orbit for the acknowledged long-livers of snails remote organs were regenerated, and even head and brain. Became obvious, that senescence of man slow suicide, being the finishing program of development of man. Consequently, starenie-eto illness ot which it is possible to be cured, reprograming an organism on the program of immortality.

Scientifically and it is experimentally proved that the cages of barrels are immortal and must constantly propagate oneself. In clinics the cages of barrels select from own fat a patient and multiply in the special incubator. Then inject under a skin, in patients and obsolete organs and extremities. Withdrawn from the eyes of goldfishes the cages of barrels return sight oslepshim patients. With respect to the use for the rejuvenation of abortirovannykh tailings of fabrics, it is acknowledged ethics impermissible.

It is set that the cages of embryo of pig are suitable for the regeneration of sick organs of man. Therefore scientists work above the genetic change of pig, to use their organs for transplantation people. On other technology marrow of patient is placed in a nourishing environment, where the cages of barrels are reared. Then they are entered in a spine and other parts of organism. Experiments are conducted on growing of new organs in the special incubators with the use of cages of concrete organ. For example, processing the special physiological solution, it is possible to rear directly in a body next to the sick organ of bud, urinary bladder and etc

The use of genes of mexican salamander is very perspective for reprograming of organism of man on immortality. Surprising fish has a very near to the man genetic code. She is able independently to regenerate the organs, torn off tails, backbone, here quickly and cartilages and bones are high-quality restored. In fact physicians already learned to use transplants from the organs of pig with the disconnected genes of tearing away during transplantation people.

                                                              ON THRESHOLD of БЕССМЕРТИЯ1

The Britannic scientists assert that invented technology of regeneration of cages of organism, and in the near future it will become medicine ot all illnesses, ot old age and death. They learned to convert white bloody little bodies into the living cages of any kind. Statement about success of similar experiment done before, but severe criticism of the scientific world sounded in reply. For this time England gave the real proofs. Jointly with the group of independent experts from the USA the series of tests were conducted.

It is reported that only for a few clock in a laboratory usual human blood was converted into the healthy cages of marrow. Scientists declared that it is now possible artificially to create the cages of any type. Getting in an organism, they begin to substitute for the staggered cellular fabric and thus cure any disease. This process was already confirmed by the first series of experiments on mise.

The group of scientists going to give more detailed information in the near future, when the series of new experiments will be completed.

The English scientists set by magnitno- of vehicles of resonances, that many thin people suffered obesity. It turned out that people, not supporting weight by physical exercises, kept large reserves of internal fat.

In opinion of the English physicians, the rotation of pupils activates the cages of brain, responsible for memory. A gymnastics, conducted for the eyes of only one times per a day and during a minute, improves memory considerably.

                                               There is a 100%-ная death RATE ON EARTH!

People never bore with death. Emperors declared itself the immortal deputies of God and believed in it. Court alchemists cooked potion of "immortality" for finding of "endless" life. Writers fantasies pulled out surprisings hypotheses. Today fantastic histories grew into reality and by mikrokhirurgii through a few clock after a trauma it is possible to "sew" down the torn off extremities and organs. The conducted experiments on cloning give a confidence, that in the near future it is possible it will be to rear any part of organism.

However simpler it is to avoid diseases, showing an anxiety about an organism. Today mainly treat the people already doomed on death. For example, modern medicine "treats" for high blood pressure, instead of removes reasons of the promoted pressure. Above all things for the extension of life of Russians it is necessary to go back to development of prophylactic medicine, proclaimed a soviet health protection. Production of prophylactic and medical preparations accessible to the population must undertake state scientific centers and institutes. Otherwise to 2050 the quantity of Russians will be abbreviated on the third. And can not be differently, in fact on Earth a 100%-ная death rate!

                                                     SCIENCE NEWS

The Britannic scientists set, than anymore for a man area and amount of birth-marks, the he lives longer. Researches showed that DNK of such people possessed the mechanism of protecting from a senescence. As a rule, people, marked birth-marks have biological age on 8-18 years younger actual. So take it easy to delete birth-marks, especially large, otherwise deprived longevity.

The scientific USA found out that the skin of apples protected from many diseases. In a skin found out ten of compounds, able to repress and destroy the cages of cancers.

The American scientists discovered in olive oil of oleokantal, which protects from oncologic, serdechnososudistykh diseases and even ot illness of Al'tsgeymera.

Researches showed that more clever than all blondes, smokers, left-handed persons, blue-eyed and borning under a sign Vodoleya.

The American scientists assert that over a global rise in a temperature will bring to active distribution of infectious diseases. Character of epidemics of flu which it is possible it will be zabolet' at any time years will change. The most ancient types of microbes, unknown modern medicine, will regenerate from thawing glaciers.

The European scientists defined that liquid rural milk and products, from him got, reduced the risk of origin of bronchial asthma and allergy. Unfortunately, there can be morbific microbes in unboiled milk.

The scientists of Khemptonskogo of university of the USA opened, that a water-melon and vine is rich likopenom and natural antioxidant, by a possessing regenerating action. 80% men of participating in an experiment after adopting likopena for 2 mgs two times in a day during 3 months delivered from fruitlessness.

The scientists of institute of feed of RAMN set that gazirovannye drinks were instrumental in the increased destroying of calcium from an organism. And the shortage of calcium in an organism results in osteoporozu - most widespread womanish disease.

                                                               ON WAY To IMMORTALITY 2

Nature does not hide wonder-working matters ot a man. Only creature, counting itself by the tsar of nature so primitively, that wishes nothing to notice round itself. For example, juice of verbena is diminished by viscidity of blood, clears the walls of arteries and veins, restores the damaged capillaries. And why not to add a verbena to lettuces? Surprising property is possessed by a clover, but people skarmlivayut him a cattle, and ignore a surprising plant.

The fibres of the Siberian long-liver of tree of larch are instrumental in longevity, cleaning and strengthening of walls of vessels. But it is possible, to add them to food and am together with seasonings. Or does the bark of the Canadian pine-tree considerably improve quality of sight and why from her not to do addition in teas of grasses? Our contemporaries ignore experience of ancestors which added a lime to the small cakes, that gave hardness and snow-whiteness teeth.

The producers of medications will feel humanity antibiotics and other chemicals, made on a health people. People simplify itself a task in place of togo to add a natural antibiotic - money-box yellow, with a creeping rhizome in lettuces and other dishes. But except for a money-box, the hundreds of natural antibiotics grow round us. It is a melon and its seed, troychatka and other zhelchegonnye herbages, killings microbes. Open on pages newspapers "Secrets of Immortality" these and other secrets of longevity.

                                                                  GENES OF IMMORTALITY

Sexual exploits flustered humanity always. Chroniclers added irrepressible sexual energy and erotic exploits Cleopatra, Caesar, to Peter 1 and to Ekaterine. Ancient medical herbs, frequently were narcotic characteristics, and the ungone out love energy. On east for excitation smoked opium. In central America at sacral orgies used hallucinogenic mushrooms and cactuses. For ancient Egyptians character of eternal life was consider a zhuk- scarab. Insist from a scarab used as mystic love drink. In Europe for these aims the shpanskaya beauty-spot, containing kantaridin which excites an urinary channel was used. Modern scientists set that cockroaches were not afraid of radiation, very simple, are not ill and possess a surprising life-breath and longevity. At researches a head was deleted a cockroach, and he continued to live by weeks and starved only to death, because was deprived mouth. So there were hunters, testing on itself a tincture from cockroaches for finding of life-breath. Scientifice already work above tem, how to adopt the genes of immortality for these surprisings insects. Only can turn out not super man, but monster, look like a fantastic alien.

                                                         EMBODIMENT OF DREAM

Vital situations in most, as it seems to us, does not depend on us. There are unforeseeable problems and illnesses. Ot what they? Punishment for our errors or sins of our ancestors? And each of us waits a miracle, speaking to the magicians, extrasensory individuals, gipsies and higher forces, in a hope, that they izbavyat us ot troubles. But folk healers and vorozheyki take a money, and a miracle does not come so. And to ask to not from whom. you will simply get an answer, that "fate for you such". And on that score there is the good saying: "you want, that business was done high-quality, do him!" Researchers assert that a miracle has scientific basis and is the result of internal resources of man.

Simply a man must enter in a trance, will adjoin with the consciousness, and to reprogram him on achieving the little dream. Scientists name this process the neyrolingvisticheskim programming. If a man will be able to learn, high-quality to dream, he is able to find lordship over time and circumstances. It is simply needed correctly to form appearance of dream. It is otherwise possible to be disappointed ot the got results. Your dream must not violate psikhoekologiyu of surrounding you space. It is needed to remember that we live in the энергоинформационном field, which reacts not only on our acts but also on our ideas.

 INTERESTING FACTS or why a man is death

 In the case of excessive consumption squeak, she does not have time to be overcooked  in a stomach   and decomposes   bacteria  fermentations  in a thick intestine, which are named simbiotami.  And if a man suffers  gluttony,  a stomach is unable to process albumens  and peptidy  and they simply  rot  by putrid bacteria.  The use  of products  of meats aggravates a situation containing a ptomaine  and decomposing on a great number  toxins,  poisonings  an organism.  Even  the temporal passing  to  the vegetarian feed sharply changes  the processes  of digestion  and  in place of rotting  of nedorasscheplennykh  albumens  undigested  carbohydrates dobrazhivayut in a thick  intestine . Otherwise speaking, using food, people feed and multiply the milliards of microbes, parasitizing in a human organism.

The experiments of volunteers on itself showed that consumption squeak and waters a man needs only in the period of growth of organism. And for the physical loading  of man and cerebration, consumable sun enough and to other space power of the thin fields. On Earth more than ten people, not using squeak and water and anchorwomen valuable life of ten of years, are registered.

Chelovechestvo- vermin nothing not creating, but only consuming and including energy of the power, magnetic and gravitation field, ether, thin fields and other energies by hydrogen-aquatic, vortical and other traditional and untraditional generators from the hundreds of the parallel worlds which we do not perceive by virtue of the primitivism, absences of telepathy and other capabilities, which are possessed by the creatures of outward us things. In general these knowledges are accessible to the only advanced representatives of humanity realizing the imperfection and training the brain and consciousness. Humanity opened nothing, only supervisory us civilizations open eyes him. About all of it a book talks "Secrets of immortality" 

The elixir of immortality is found... on Ukraine

The Ukrainian scientist, 70-years-old professor of medicine Gennadiy Apanasenko, found the elixir of immortality. He and yet group of uchennykh before long will test on itself medicine.

"Will see here, soon I will look on 35! - Gennadiy Apanasenko is sure. - grey Hair will disappear, my hairs will become thick, sight will be improved, wrinkles will be smoothed out, a carriage will straighten up. We will win over death!"

An experiment began already. 30 Ukrainian scientists among which and Gennadiy Leonidovich became experimental rabbit in the tests of "elixir of eternal life", which and invented. Every morning on an empty stomach they  adopt a few drops of matter composition of which is held in the most strict secret. A plus is influence a certain electronic vehicle about which also does not spread while.

"Unique, that can say: we succeeded to define, on what physical parameters take place change in the cage of man in that moment when she dies, and to learn to remove these changes, - professor Apanasenko asserts. - it was Succeeded to lock the process of human development in a ring (ontogenesis). And to return a man in any age. you want 20 years or 40 - choose", reported in the internet.

...to ..В Russia

So, next gladness: the Russian scientists promise to prolong life of man in two-three times. And, it seems, scientists all know these. And if in earnest - the last five years to tam-to similar reports appear here. Every country considers the debt to immortalize the citizens. The first were Jewries (well that to say, tradition!), then Americans, then hindus, and, Goodness gracious, Chinese! Now here and we. At our some the method, understand. Mertvaya- living water and all that, no genetics. About it later. True, between lines slips, that genetics there spent the night all the same. That will say here? Why no. Mise, it is talked, live already on forty percents longer. But however will die then. As they feel here, and that is counted on this occasion, to us, certainly, it is not known - and in general agitates little. There is our purpose not in tom, to give pleasure  mise.

And in general science must somehow work off the hopes laid on her. She did this world such specific place, that in order to extricate a situation for a man one output: immortality. Life is not enough, that all to consume. For example, vodka....

..В Uzbekistan

In Institute of biochemistry of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan develop medicine which can prolong life of man  more than 300 years. Blood of tortoises of steppes serves as basis for this preparation. Unlike a tortoise Tortilly from "Buratino", the Central Asiatic steppe tortoise lives quite not 300 years, and just 30-40. However exactly it an unhurried animal possesses unique stability to the radiation.

As MIGnews writes, using this feature of tortoise organism, scientists from Institute of biochemistry of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan developed new medicine - tortezin. His action stimulates immunity and making of bloody little bodies. This mean must help to manage with the consequences of radiation irradiation (for example, for the participants of liquidation of failure on AES or for the patients of cancers, passing intensive radial therapy). Not eliminated, what medicine would be able to rescue life sorrowfully to famous secret service agent Litvinenko.

It turned out recently, that preparation, created from blood of tortoises of steppes, is able not only to contest with the consequences of radiation irradiation but also prolong life of man how hardly not to one hundred years. "In experiments on animals we succeeded to multiply life-span on 30-35 percents", - declared in conversation with journalist NRS director of Institute of biochemistry of Talat Saatov. According to him, clinical tests in public were not yet conducted - scientists wait the proper permission.

It is not needed to think that medicine from tortoise blood is done the same as medical herbs of ancient Asiatic vrachevateley. For the increase of efficiency of tortezina the most modern technologies will be used. For example, in Institute of biochemistry the special method of delivery of medicine is developed strictly "to address" - into the krovetvornykh cages of barrels (otherwise preparation too quickly hatches buds). For this purpose it is suggested to use the so-called "наноконтейнеры" - microscopic capacities which take a matter to it is needed places and he is thrown out there. Probably, medicine from blood of tortoises of steppes in the nearest years will begin to be made in industrial scales.

The defenders of environment must not worry on this occasion. At the production of preparation none of hundreds of thousands of tortoises, creeping on spaces of republics of Central Asiatics, will be brought to the victim human longevity. Scientists developed a method which allows to do without murder. In the organism of tortoise at first enter the enough body of water or physiological solution, whereupon take blood from a femoral vein, and then release back in steppe on pleasure all its tortoise my folks. 


"Makhabkharata" is an epos of Ancient India - narrates about juice of some mysterious tree, prolonging life of man to ten thousand years. But where it was exactly necessary to search him, so remained a riddle. Knew about the "tree of life" and historians of ancient Greeks, true, they asserted already, that it is not juice, but garden-stuffs of certain oversea tree, able to return a man youth, but not to give immortality. The Russian bylinas glorify "living water" a source of which was among an ocean on an island Rowdy. But nobody and never found neither the "tree of life" nor source of "living water so".

Nevertheless, the searches of facilities of eternal life proceeded. When Christopher Kolumb opened unknown new earths in the West in the Atlantic ocean, hopes to find were there carried, finally, source of immortality. Some supposed even, that he is already found, and exact co-ordinates led. So, the Italian humanist Pedro Martir, near acquaintance of Kolumba, wrote a dad to Leo X:

"North of Espan'oly between other islands there is one island in the distance three hundred twenty miles ot her, as those which found him talk. On an island beats the inexhaustible key of running water of such wonderful property, that an old man which will begin to drink her, observing a certain diet at tom, after a while will transform in youth. I plead with Your svyateyshestvo, not think, that I talked it from frivolity or at random: this ear indeed became firmly established at a court as undoubted truth, and not only stand people but also many of those which stand higher than crowd on the mind or riches trust him also".

Unknown, how many expeditions left on the searches of mysterious island with his magic source. It is known only, that as a result of one of such expeditions America was in next times opened: the noble Spanish nobleman in search of "living water" got to the New World and, supposing that before him next island, christened earth Florida ("flowering"). But however found immortality.

But today already not from magic fairy-tales, but it is known from the results of scientific researches, that water indeed influences on life-span and health of people. The body of man on seventy percents consists of water, and he is not at all indifferent, which one water feeds his fabrics.

Method to prolong life

 Medicine ot depression lengthens life of worms and infuses with a hope on to, that the term of life of man similarly can be prolonged, the American scientists assert.

It turned out as a result of scale research, that swingeing majority of chemical preparations in any way did not influence on life-span worms. And only one antidepressant of mianserin assisted the extension of their life on the average on 30%.

According to one of authors of research of Linda Bak, it medicine, to all appearances, renders the to affecting organism, what the unique known method to attain longevity of animals, is almost complete starvation. In addition, as scientists discovered, due to mianserinu, brain the same signal enters, as at starvation.

In opinion of scientists, exposure of chemical matter, prolonging life of animals, can "show" out on the genes of man, on which it is possible it will be to influence just.

"Probably, it will result in the exposure of genes, accountable for the senescence of organism. In addition, this research will allow to define matters, suitable for experiments with mammals", - Tank talks.

According to her, experiments are presently conducted on monkeys. "And, although these animals now attained only middle.

Krionika in Russia

Most now above-ground people have chances on the personal physical immortality.

Kriosokhraneniem is named saving of body of man after legal death in a state of the deep cooling with the purpose of his revival and recovery (including, and ot the consequences of senescence) in the future, when achieving medicine and other technologies will allow it.

Easily to understand loyalty of it, if to connect together scientific facts, real possibilities of modern krioniki and reasonable supposition about the prospects of нанотехнологий.

Facts: some animals, such as larvae and gusenitsy of arctic butterflies, chervi, tikhokhodki, insects carry freezing even in liquid nitrogen and after thawing come back to life. Thousands of people give birth annually from the frozen sperm and ovules. And at extremely low temperatures the chemical and biological processes of decomposition are practically stopped.

Possibilities: recently dyings people it is possible already now to save at extremely low temperatures in containers with dry ice or kriostatakh with liquid nitrogen without the least worsening of their state during skol' pleasingly long time.

Prospects: in the visible future by нанотехнологий it is possible it will be to correct any damages of human organism almost, including damages, inflicted at freezing and senile damages, and also any reasons of death.

Consequently, required just, that soon post mortem the body of man (or even only cerebrum) was frozen and kept in such state to time, when science will be able to unfreeze and bring back to life, reanimate a man.

It is unimportant, that put to death him is old age or illness, it is unimportant even to, that technologies of freezing in the moment of death can be yet rough. Early or late humanity will attain such level of development at which it will be able to bring back to life and bring through before krionirovannykh people, for example, through нанотехнологий or other, developed presently, methods.

Kriosokhranenie usually carried out at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196 С) in the special capacities - vessels of D'yuara. Before cooling solution, containing protective matters, is entered in the circulatory system - krioprotektory, minimizing damages at freezing.

Krionika in Russia legal, as a man has a right to determine the terms of saving post mortem. Laws settle saving of body in Russia or dispatch in American kriofirmy.

The variants of kriosokhraneniya, accessible for clients with the different level of profits are offered. Possible variants: Preparation of body of patient and cooling to the temperature of dry ice is carried out in Russia. Then a body leaves in Institut Krioniki in the USA on permanent storage. The institute of Krioniki is carried out by saving of body wholly, the total worth of favour is relatively high therefore. Defence of brain (perfuziya of krioprotektorom) and his cooling is carried out.

A container with a brain is placed on permanent storage. Must undertake storage empowered to act of patient (charges ot $500/год). In case if a client is yet young and is in a good health, it is recommended  him beforehand to look after about the kriosokhranenii and conclude a treaty in advance. In this case services of krioniki will treat  cheaper, and the different forms of payment are possible: by instalments, due to insurance, through a testament, etc.

You will prolong life

An organism of man is such difficult mechanism, he reacts on to, how many we works, as feed, how many sleep, etc. If you felt the decline of forces, will pay attention to the followings advices, possibly, you will find reason of bad feel or they will help you to avoid errors in the future:

1. Leave off to drink sweet drinks: bud'-to soda pop, juice, fruit compote, tea, or coffee with sugar. Change them on clean негазированную water. Sweet drinks result in tomu, that an environment in an organism becomes sour, that provokes growth of fungi, bacteria and viruses, on a fight against which an organism has to expend a lot of forces very much.

2. Limit the use of sugar.

3. When you worry, test stress, concentrated on breathing. Do 10 deep inhalations and exhalations. Breathe and breathe out slowly, inhalation through a nose, exhalation through a mouth. Not forget to use a stomach for breathing. Normalizing breathing is necessary in order not to "injure" the immune system which sensitively reacts on the change of breathing.

4. Occupy sport, outlay on it, to the po-krayney measure, 30 minutes in a day. It can be even stand hike on a walk.

e l I x I r

The habitants of some islands of the Caribbean pool look far younger than the coevals-Europeans and explain this phenomenon pretty workaday:

- For us on an island such water which rejuvenates a man flows from sources.

The habitants of central districts of Sri Lanka possess an excellent health and also look younger than the years - due to a climate and water from mountain sources. Many highlanders surprise the long-liver and excellent bodily condition. So the searches of elixir of immortality not too are hopeless, as it can appear. A man, naturally, will not leave off to be death, but fully able to live time in two longer, than lives now. In any event, our skeleton possesses the "margin of safety" on one hundred twenty years of active (!) life, so that the undrawn on natural reserve is obviously present.

But will go back to the searches of elixir of immortality. Besides magic water there was a great number of "rukotvornykh" recipes. To us send on those which did not give the sought after result obviously only. Because if to someone and it was once succeeded to create such elixir, recipe of him, certainly, kept in an innermost secret. But as such mean will please you:

"It is needed to take a toad, living ten thousand years, and bat, living thousand years, dry up them in shade, to crush in powder and accept".

All nothing, and how to know the date of their birth for nice zveryushek? It in a recipe not talked.

In general, information about successes which was attained by people in search of immortality, razroznenny and unconvincing. It is known more or less for certain about two people which died already in our eyelid, living very long innings. It is Chinese which died in 1936 in age... 246 years (in obedience to official records), and Indian, dying in 1956 in age 186 years. Indian in quinquagenarian age moved away to Gimalai, where engaged in yoga. Presumably, combination of the special exercises, diets and some yet facilities allowed substantially to lengthen the term of life released him. These two facts can trust, it is possible to disbelieve, but at all fabulousness of the similar phenomena the question is not about immortality. And the searches of him were not halted and not halted: there always are people, ready to devote them years, decades, right through life...

One of such people was Alexander Kaliostro. Except for the riddle of the origin and unknown source of enormous riches a count Kaliostro possessed a perturbing secret:

"It is talked, - one of his contemporaries wrote. - Kaliostro opened the secret of preparation of vital elixir. His young and to the charming wife already there are more than forty years, and, according to her, a count owns the secret of returning youth".

This enigmatic man visited Russia. In Saint Petersburg his appearance caused furore. And history of insolvent duel with court doctor Robertsom added new brilliance of his name. Angry to the utmost the attempts of Robertsa to slander him in the eyes of court, Kaliostro offered to him an original duel - "on poisons". Both competitors must were take an a swig at poison, prepared other, and then to adopt any antidote. A count insisted, but the frightened doctor renounced flatly: too persistent ears that Kaliostro owns the secret of elixir of immortality, walked on the capital.

Alas, it ears appeared only. Kaliostro was grasped inquisition and died in its torture-chambers. Were burned out all his personal papers, and the copy of one message only taken off in Vatican was chudom saved. Description of process of "regeneration", or returning youth, is given in her:

"Adopting two grains of medical herb, persons are lost by consciousness and gift of speech on whole three days, during which he tests the attacks of cramps and convulsions often, and perspiration comes forward on his body. Awakening ot this state in which, however, does not feel not the least pain, he owes on thirty to adopt a sixth day third, and last, grain, whereupon falls in deep and quiet sleep. During sleep a skin slips down from him, teeth and hairs fall out. All of them grow again during a few clock. In the morning fortieth day a patient abandons an apartment, becoming a new man, testing a complete rejuvenation".

All would good, and here recipe of medical herb not saved. And - was there he in general?

In protocols of interrogations of Kaliostro curious information was saved yet about one mysterious personality - count Sen-zhermene. Kaliostro asserted that was seen by a vessel which a count keeps in... elixir of immortality. He was disbelieved: a count Sen-zhermen died ten years prior to death of Kaliostro, in 1784. But then strange things began to take place.

A count appeared in Paris in 1750, not having the pas not only, but even to some his plausible history. However, about itself he preferred in general not to talk, only sometimes - whether on purpose, whether by chance - said of about the conversations with Plato or Senekoy or by someone from apostles. Certainly, he was not too trusted, but... When someone asked the coachman of count, whether true, that his mister is four hundred years, tot answered simple-hearted:

- I do not know exactly. But for those one hundred thirty years, that I serve my mister, his lightness changed not at all.

Certainly, a coachman can it was be learned. But how to explain to, that elderly aristocrats in the best houses knew in Sen-zhermene a man, visiting polveka ago salons of their grandmothers? The aged matrons swore thus, that he not drops did not have been changed for this time. Moreover, if to compare descriptions of people, well knowing a count in different times, it turns out that he was seen in England, knew in Holland, remembered in Italy. He changed the names and titles is marquis Montfera, count de Bellami and yet dozen other. And so suddenly, as appeared, a count Sen-zhermen had disappeared from Paris and arisen up in Golshtinii. From there and a new came about his death. But on none of grave flags there is the name of Sen-zhermena in neighbourhood of his lock. But it is on book of frankomasonov, meeting of which took place in Paris after a year post mortem" Sen-zhermena. It is known for certain, that yet in three years of count the French envoy saw in Venice, and not only saw but also long with him conversed. And two years ago Sen-zhermen appeared in one from prisons, where revolutionaries contained aristocrats. Tracks of him were lost then.

Newspaper «Secrets of immortality» № 4-2008


Conference on a theme «IMMORTALITY of MAN In the PHYSICAL BODY POSSIBLY» REASON ON FORUM  of http://bessmertie.mybb2.ru    And SITE  of http://www.crimetrue.narod.ru/

Immortality and death is stopped up in consciousness of people, which works as a biological clock. By the internal hours we manage with gross spelling mistakes and voluntarily send itself in the bosom of death. Accomplishing mass of errors in life, we go away to other measuring and return in new embodiment, for a correction them. And until will not be spiritually ready for ascension on the higher level of development of the consciousness and soul. Thus, both the Egyptian pharaohs and Chinese emperors, accomplishing millions of murders can appear in our midst. It can be alongside, anyone and absolutely with an unforeseeable for us fate. But, if to consider our life - written with us, in previous embodiment. So an elixir of immortality is in each of us, but he can begin to work only then, when the spiritual beginning will attain a due level. And many zemlyane gorge while, khapayut, steal and sin all death sins. Therefore with such loathsome load uplifted on the new level of spiritual development simply not really. And in etohm they will be helped by no large money, нанотехнологии and наномедицина. In our midst there are creators or lyudi-kh, which study constantly, develop spiritually, move on the way of creation, cognitions of the world and does not stand cerebral laziness. For them material – only mean for the spiritual enriching and report to zemlyan of secrets of the universe and sense of existence of people. So way to immortality for someone quite alongside, and to someone to him, as they say: «As to Chinese paskhi which is not present!»

So, invite solicitous and new of all authors to   the discussion. We will publish your clever ideas in all-russian newspaper «SECRETS of IMMORTALITY»,

With kind regards editor-in-chief Nicholas Rerikh my адрес:bessmertie2008@mail.ru and site of http://www.crimetrue.narod.ru/

Serg said(а):

Interesting ideas.

But would like really who to have from us immortality?

Chigir' said(а):

How does think, will invent the elixir of immortality some time?

Dmitry: substantially to multiply the term of life of man is possibly and now. In the future, possibly, will be attainable physical immortality.

Alexander said(а):

Extension of life - if it is good to think.

On the basis of analysis of materials on this topic it is possible to draw followings conclusions :

1. Death is a not accumulation of damages in an organism, but job of the program of elimination performance. The followings facts talk for it:

All attempts to prolong life experimental animals and man ended with tem, that it was succeeded considerably to prolong mean time of life different influences and only neznachitelno to prolong maximal life-span. At artificial sostarivanii organism (I.e. when actual age less, than on the state) by the same influences he was quickly returned to the state of his actual age, and he lived itself to the programed old age.

2 this Program goes from a head (two variants are here possible: or she is in a head, or enters head from somewhere, it yet it is not known exactly ) I.e. hands are feet are plucks here quite at anything. To take, for example, protracted (10 years and anymore) lethargic sleep. While a man sleeps, he does not change. As soon as he woke up, quickly goes after the age and farther all goes along with normal speed.

Question: and why does he go after the age speed-up (well would have a good sleep and continued staret' with normal speed)?

Question of the second: does but as the program know how many it is needed to age an organism on? An exchange was lowered in fact, speed of chemical reactions also, means and a timer must fall behind. There is opinion, that it ot togo, that a man knows after awakening, how many time passed. But at psychical disorders, when a child really counts itself adults, or vice versa, no rejections of speed of senescence are observed. Besides the program of senescence obkatyvalas' yet on animals, and those the age is not understood in general. Probably it is unconnected with a psyche.

Another fact: after clinical death or coma some (and such not alone) throw down about 10-15, some time remain in this state, after gradually go after the age, but not so quickly, as after lethargic sleep.

Something ticks (increasingly) somewhere, something in an organism on it oriented and determines the measure of destructions.


- that can be in an organism, that did not depend on the exchange of matters and speed of chemical reactions?

- that can be such out of organism?

If to calculate this factor, will ot what dance in search of “elixir of immortality”.

Alike, that this task anymore sly, what difficult.

Michael said(а):

About what immortality can there is the question, when round us and we do not have an elementary health. People do not die ot the “long” (age) years of life, they die ot illnesses. To count on immortality at presence of bouquet of illnesses to 25-40. steeply.

Illnesses, in same queue, it is not genetic errors and heredity (at tom level), it is a result of our way of life and not less, and no more. Duration of our life and illness of zaprogramirovanny in our way of life (passed parents to the children) and to attitude (including) toward outward things.

Our consumer attitude toward an environment. We live to drink, (I am sorry) gorge and khapat', and khapat'. And interesting, who khapaet anymore, tot has greater “weight” in this world. So think. in which way do we need this world???

There is a mean for longevity (even), but we do not see him, too simply it for our consciousness, for us must a mean be is a “elixir”. Certain elixir, about existence of which we suspect but suppose that he is not accessible or accessible select.

So I am, apparently accessible select.

Only not because hidden ot our look, but because we do not want him to see, too all is “simple”.

Only a clean organism, not poisoned poisons of metabolism, having natural (and he is extraordinarily powerful) immunity, not killed antibiotics and diet - can live long and painlessly.

And mean which can result in such state.. simple water, and even from under faucet.

All water on earth - sainted, killing water, we kill itself. But water is capable samoochischatsya (a rotation of water is in nature) and each time to give us a chance and will clear up and to purchase. To purchase not material welfares which absolute majority lives for the sake of, and, apparently, it is their unique purpose on Earth. Namely, health and long years of life, that radovatsya and radovat' other being in this world.

Water it is the best purifier of organism, a cleanness enables to have ideal immunity and valuable circulation of blood. Valuable circulation of blood will relieve you of illnesses of age present and previous: cancer, stroke, cardiac diseases. And already this fact will help to live by normal, valuable life and not to 40-50 years and in two-three, five times longer, and without illnesses. And to live, instead of to exist, begging about death, and to wait delivering from torments in which guilty, foremost, we.

To, that the bodily condition of organism is guilty in life-span, it is obvious. Otherwise norkomany and alkogliki would live long and happily.:)

Read the books of Ф.Батмангхелиджа and not search an elixir wherein he is not present, he before same by Your nose.

Dmitry: Thank you! Also I recommend to familiarize with labours of Masaru Emoto, devoted water, for example, “Energy of water for self-knowledge and healing”.

sonnik of yuliya said(а):

Trust me, immortality to humanity never nedostich'.

Dmitry: as for you all is material.

Angelo said(а):

And I am not sure that would like to live always.

Dark said(а):

I, at least, see while immortality only through cloning, and to scarcely it can be named cloning.

Neolit said(а):

bessmertie.org - International Transgumanisticheskoe of Motion of Immortalistov.

bessmertie.org/forum  it is CITY of Immortal. Forum on Transgumanizmu.

We invite to the discussion!

A classic said(а):

It is not necessary immortality, it is necessary to live so much, how many want.

Olga said(а) Ivanova:

Interesting article.

I absolutely agree with opinion of Michael!

A man in some moments destroys itself from within.

Konstantin said(а):

Oh yeah, forgive, ladies and gentlemen. To live in such п**е always??? Please, only without me! A question is not in eternity of life, but in tom, eventually sdokhnut' with a quiet conscience. And sdokhnem ALL.

elenberg2007 said(а):

I am sure that Immortality is real at Feed Only by Spirit by Saint - God - Pranoy - by a Sun, that waiver of feed ordinary food: bread, water, meat, vegetables et cetera!

Neolit said(а):

Konstantin, creature right to choose to, that it wants!

You get such possibility..

Is there a question in tom, your it is a desire?!

With Happiness also same!

elenberg2007 said(а):

Immortality is the Future of Pranoedov!

Pranoedy are people, feedings Pranoy - by Spirit by Saint - God! Presently in the world of 30 thousand Pranoedov and Solntseedov, which gradually diminishing the ration of feed, pass to the feed Only by zhidkoobraznoy food which is not necessary to be chewed teeth, and in the end, Pranoy feed Only - by Spirit by Saint - God!

Why feed Only Pranoy - by Spirit by Saint - God, will Pranoedov lead to Immortality? How can it be proved? It can be proved on the basis of Bible! For God - Spirit of Saint - Prana, in relation to a feed, with Man there were three Precepts: 1. In to Paradise, 2. To Flood, 3. Post-diluvian.

1. In God Zapovedoval Paradise to feed Adam ot Tree of Life, that by Itself, because Tree of Life is God - Spirit is Divine is Spirit Saint - Prana! Feeding on God - Spirit by Saint - Pranoy, Adam would become God In Flesh and, would live therefore, as God Always, because to, that Man eats, rasstvoryaetsya in him and becomes directly them, that Man there is to, that he Eats! Feeding on God - you become God, but Only by God In Flesh!!! Therefore feeding Only Pranoy - by Spirit by Saint - God, Man will become God In Flesh - Immortal - Accomplished !!!!!..

2. To Flood God is Spirit Saint - Prana Zapovedoval Adam and his descendants to feed Only by zhidkoobraznoy food ot the garden-stuffs of fruit trees, vegetables, herbages and, therefore feeding on this zhidkoobraznoy food, people lived To Flood on the average for 900 years!

3. Post-diluvian and for today basic part of Humanity feeds and by tverdoobraznoy food also and does not live so long even and to one hundred years.

Presently in the world lives a few Pranoedov, which feed a lot of years in succession Only Pranoy - by Spirit by Saint - God, and, therefore for these Pranoedov Immortality is the Future!!!!

That do you think about it?

Nick Elenberg.

Dmitry: Thank you, Nick!.. Your comments on a page: Solntseedy is who such solntseedy.

Sergey said(а):

A gold ray” is school of survival: goldray.info

Gans said(а):

Death, it is property of time. Thus the domestic concept of death is related to the high-quality transition of consciousness. And we die every instant, to roll time back - it is impossible. But also it is a not fact. When to time will go back. Endlessnesses - no. Otherwise as though did she could will make off?

About consciousness and matter. A matter gives consciousness-consciousness. And a not fact, that it,, consciousness, disappears irretrievably. The world is full contradictions. If you see in what to life - look closely, you did not notice death. She somewhere alongside. And any death, gives new life. Heard a concept - de zha vyu. Or somehow sounds so. In a translation it sounds so - I saw it already, it was already with me!

It is necessary to understand in course of time, and immortality is particular solution of dependence of space and time. And there are other measurings, because there are not rational explanations of sense of life in the existent scopes of knowledges. Principle of vagueness of Geyzenberga hints at it. And Bergam and Shteynam trusting is possible.

NewPoisk said(а):

I know how to attain immortality: newpoisk.com

Il'ya said(а):

Death is large benediction for people. Time of death will come will not become, to the man, working is not needed for this purpose.

Jesus did everything on a cross. Fuss all of it, to death it is necessary to be ready and to appear before Judge, that can be simpler!

Alex said(а):

 On itself physical immortality decides nothing.

People will die ot a boredom (on the rough estimating they are enough 400 years, won in a game absolutely with all funs, thought of humanity).

Immortal ot death differ only one. They right through life conduct becomings in the mode. People name this mode creation. Exactly it is able to lead away over-the-horizon usual and ordinary and to give a necessary for endless life novelty so. But people while do not have a method of education of creators (they appear, quite incomprehensible why) and trust, to create her not at all simpler, than to learn to modify a genome for the receipt of physical immortality.

An intellectual club "Technical immortality" said(а):

Our purpose is the real physical immortality “here and now”, certainly, on digital basis

We pick up, examine, discuss and master technologies, resulting in immortality and Singulyarnosti, move forward the idea of electronic immortality, krioniki, to post-human civilization.

To look here - groups.google.com/group/Techno_Immortality

Cool29 said(а):

It is enough to itself to tell!

Nobody of us wants to die. Neither today, nor tomorrow nor in 100 years. Well and absence of death - there is immortality! Consequently, partly we all aspire to it. Raz've do all religions of the world promise not eternal life us? Simply majority from us for decided some reason, that to attain immortality never and reconciled oneself to.

I agree, that all great people of the pas died: Newton, Enshteyn, Demokrit, Caesar, Alexander is Macedonian and other and the problem of eternal life is not solvable as though! However:

1. Once people were not able to fly - now there are aircrafts.

2. People could not be under water more than 5 minutes - now there is an aqualung.

3. Thousands of illnesses killed miliony (measles, pox, plague), and now won over them. And etc

Here and think possibly or it is impossible!

Specially for IL'I: here Jesus died on a cross, and then took and revived! And uplifted LIVING! So can and to us all about life, thinking is necessary, instead of about death! (Excuse me, I do not ridicule Your religious persuasions nowise, to all religions belong identically respectfully!)

Alex said(а): 


1. Single gene, responsible for a senescence it is not. If to talk very rudely, the processes of senescence begin to prevail, when ostanvlivaetsya program of development ot an embryo to the adult individual. A senescence is provided by those mechanisms which provide his development. (Nature she is a very economy Therefore for no particular reason stopping them (these mechanisms) is impossible. But it is possible to start development on the second round, it is for what necessary to “reprogram” a genome. Naturally it requires knowledge of “programming of DNK and prosecution language” of it conducted. But it is a separate theme.

2. Physical immortality does not yet mean the real immortality. Those, who will not find, what to occupy eternity, will die of boredom of years approximately after 400. Absolutely all will bother. Only those, who will choose on your own the creative mode, will be able to get a necessary on your own novelty constantly.

Sergey said(а):

Temptation of immortality will last, no doubt, longer, than his supporters”, - Ol'shanski talks. And continues: “To be just, it is needed to say that science about a senescence makes progress swiftly. But nothing in gerontology arrives and close to fulfiling promise of the dramatically extended life-span. It all is false promises”. It from here: membrana.ru/articles/health/2004/12/06/212400.html

Was the future ordered? Read our newspaper!

One your half wants beers, and second longevity. To decide - you to yield.

Life is too short, not to read a newspaper «Secrets of immortality»

That slender to become and consider, it is necessary to read «Secrets of immortality».

 http://www.crimetrue.narod.ru/    http://bessmertie.mybb2.ru    


E-mail: bessmertie2008@mail.ru

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Dear ladies and gentlemen!

I give it a shot to save humanity healthy and apt at prosperity. For this purpose I began to publish a newspaper "Secrets of immortality", which intend in future to diffuse on all planet. Unfortunately authorities do not care of healthy way of life of citizens and not engaged in the prophylaxis of illnesses. I publish materials from around the world about the methods of rejuvenation and  extension of life of people. Therefore I will be glad your feasible help in an issue and distribution of newspaper about longevity. I very ask you to bring in a feasible contribution to propaganda of extension of life of people and  searches of immortality.

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Home address:  Russia 353445 city Anapa the Krasnodarskogo edge street Rodnikovaia 2/4 apartment  10
A passport of citizen of Russia Rerikh is Nikolaj Vladimirovich, date of birth of July, 26 1954 year, series 03 99 number 157315, UVD Anapskogo is given out district of the Krasnodarskogo edge of September, 14, 1999

With kind regards Nick Rerikh      Email: bessmertie2008@mail.ru

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